São locuções adverbiais e conjunções que definem um período de tempo intermediário entre dois eventos ou estabelecem uma relação entre eventos paralelos e simultâneos.


Ricardo Schütz
Atualizado em 28 de julho de 2007
Nesse meio tempo, … / Enquanto isso, … (locuções adverbiais)
In the meantime, … / Meanwhile, … (adverbs)
nesse meio tempo
  Em Salvador, as atividades de preservação do patrimônio tiveram início já em 1938. A antiga capital do Brasil, nesse meio tempo um grande aglomerado urbano, demonstra plasticamente os problemas de um conjunto histórico preservado como uma ilha em meio a um enorme oceano de concreto, e que vive primordialmente do turismo.
  Treze anos mais tarde, em 2001, quando eu já estava morando em São Paulo, comecei a fazer Teatro Escola Macunaíma. Fiquei lá por um ano e nesse meio tempo fui chamado para participar do Grupo Tramédia, um grupo de teatro amador que surgiu na Faculdade Paulista de Artes.
  A preocupação com as florestas tropicais é muito mais do Primeiro Mundo do que do Terceiro Mundo. A Europa devastou de 60% a 80% de suas florestas nos últimos mil anos e ficou rica nesse meio tempo. Eu acho um tanto hipócrita que digamos aos países do Terceiro Mundo que eles não podem fazer o mesmo.

enquanto isso
  O PSOL protocolou a quebra de decoro do parlamentar Renan Calheiros e aguarda definição, enquanto isso, governistas tentam blindá-lo contra a representação do PSOL.
  O governo americano gasta aproximadamente 200 milhões de dólares por dia para sustentar a guerra no Iraque, enquanto isso, 11 mil crianças morrem de fome a cada dia no mundo.
  Vários países reduziram os gastos públicos, aprovaram reformas estruturais, atacaram a burocracia e abriram seu comércio, crescendo aceleradamente, sem inflação. Enquanto isso, outros mantiveram as armadilhas criadas pelo excesso de Estado e buscaram um crescimento calcado na maior tolerância com a inflação. O resultado foi infinitamente pior.
in the meantime
  If the compensation from the insurance company will be paid only a year from now, what am I supposed to live on in the meantime?
  I am completely tied up during the whole of June but I will certainly make the effort to visit you some time in July. In the meantime, please don't hesitate to contact me if there is anything urgent.
  One day someone will appreciate my sculptures, you'll see. In the meantime I intend to stay healthy enough to enjoy success when it comes.
  In my view the one disadvantage still to be overcome is that the receiver is not as waterproof as it really needs to be. In the meantime it makes sense for the unit to be stored in a plastic bag but I do look forward to the perfectly waterproof receiver being available in due course.
  In fact, her wardrobe was stuffed with new clothes, shoes, perfume and cosmetics which she was "saving" for this fantasised future. In the meantime, she wore the same old rags week after week and lived in poverty.
  Video coverage of the event will be released to the public shortly. In the meantime, a few quick thoughts on what was covered.

  AIDS touches areas of sickness, death and personal behaviour. It brings out prejudice and fear, and people with the disease are often isolated and rejected. Meanwhile health campaigns have largely failed so far to change behaviour.
  We must hope that Maxwell will be well enough to assume the role next week, but meanwhile the company is to be congratulated on replacing him with so sterling a performance by this seasoned professional.
  The Panama Canal treaties were revised under President Carter, with control passing to Panama at the end of the century. Meanwhile, American troops (12,000 of them at present) remain to protect the waterway.
  Fluctuating birth rates will present their own challenges. The US will probably benefit from a doubling of middle-aged people aged 45 to 54 over the next 20 years because of the baby boom of the late 1950s. Meanwhile, the number of young adults in West Germany will decline dramatically.
  There are teachers who try to take a strong anti-racist line but they are exceptions, often fighting a lone and unsuccessful battle against the racism of the school system. Meanwhile, the majority of their colleagues prefer not to talk either about their own attitudes to race or about racism in their schools.
  The US wholesaler market has been fairly quiet. Meanwhile, the European wholesaler market is now undergoing massive structural changes.
Enquanto … (conjunção)
While … (conjunction)
  Foi bom enquanto durou.
  Pouco dedicado, ele só pensa nas horas de lazer, enquanto trabalha.
  Buscava consolo na bebida, enquanto afundava-se em dívidas.
  A situação do Iraque, enquanto membro da OPEP, é uma questão importante.
  Que não seja imortal, posto que é chama, mas que seja infinito enquanto dure. (Vinícius de Moraes)
  While I was fixing the car my wife was cooking dinner.
  I finished reading the book while I was waiting for you.
  No child will go hungry in this State while I am the Governor.
  Will you buy me a carton of milk while you are at the supermarket?
  He fell asleep while he was watching the film.
  Nothing changed while you were away.