levando isso em consideração |
Continuidade no método de alfabetização é importante. Levando isso em consideração, alguns pais preferem colocar seus filhos em escolas de educação infantil que ofereçam também o ensino fundamental. |
A chave do sucesso empresarial é manter funcionários de alta qualidade. Levando isso em consideração, nossa empresa oferece um salário concorrente no mercado e um pacote de benefícios bem acima da média. |
Esse carro tem 40 anos de uso e a maciez com que roda é impressionante. Levando isso em consideração, é possível concluir que ele está muito bem conservado. |
por este motivo |
Os combustíveis fósseis são formados pela decomposição de matéria orgânica através de um processo que leva milhares e milhares de anos e, por este motivo, não são renováveis ao longo da escala de tempo humana. |
Emissões de radiofrequência interagem com as moléculas de água fazendo-as vibrar e, em consequência desta vibração e atrito, surge o aquecimento. Por este motivo os olhos, o fígado e outros órgãos com grande concentração de líquidos devem ser menos exposto à RF. |
Visualizar um filme através de um roteiro é muito difícil, e passar a ideia para o cliente é ainda mais problemático. Por este motivo surgiu o storyboard, que é o roteiro desenhado em quadros, semelhante aos quadrinhos. |
por esta razão |
Pela manhã e ao entardecer o ângulo de entrada da luz do sol provoca uma difração, fazendo com que muitos componentes azuis da luz sejam absorvidos ou devolvidos para fora da atmosfera, não atingindo a superfície da terra. Por esta razão, tanto ao amanhecer quanto ao entardecer, vemos a luz do sol avermelhada, alaranjada. |
Assim que o monge a viu, sentiu-se acometido pelo interesse carnal. Por esta razão, acercou-se mais da jovem e travou conversa com ela. |
À medida que vamos envelhecendo, precisamos dormir menos, e o sono profundo é cada vez mais substituído pelo sono superficial. É por esta razão que pessoas de mais idade acordam mais frequentemente à noite. |
por isso |
Em virtude de dificuldades com a estabilização automática e com o sistema de controle, Glenn foi obrigado a assumir os controles manuais da nave e, por isso, não teve condições de fazer algumas das observações previstas. |
Anwar Al-Sadat cursou a Academia Militar do Cairo e durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial lutou contra a dominação britânica, sendo por isso preso em 1942, porém conseguiu escapar. |
As bases do racionalismo formam os alicerces do pensamento de Voltaire e, por isso, muito de sua luta dirigia-se contra a Igreja. |
with this in mind |
I would like to minimize the fuel consumption of my V8 engine. With this in mind, I would appreciate any fuel economy tips you can offer. |
People have different opinions based on their experience; with this in mind, please be responsible for your own words, and respect others when posting a comment. |
Japan and Europe share long history, culture and beautiful nature, and we share basic values as well. I therefore recognize the importance of growing relations with such countries, and so with that in mind I visited the countries in Europe. (Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, 2007) |
Assassinations, bombings, and chemical and biological attacks, whether perpetrated by individuals or states, are crimes that should be dealt with by the rule of law, and not by the use of force. With this in mind, we condemn the US "War on Terror" and call upon both the US government and the "anti-terrorist" coalition to end this war, which benefits no-one but those who are making money from it, and which is sowing the seeds of future terrorism and violence. |
We want to continue along the path of worldwide collaboration, and with this in mind we are developing new partnerships with countries in Asia and Latin America. |
It is time to feel more confident and stronger in our resolve as vegetarian and vegan families. With this in mind, in this new year let's focus on increasing our families' sense of pride for the commitment to these diets and the how they affect our lives and our world. |
for this reason |
The journal is trying to reach better graphical standards and, for this reason, it is edited in PageMaker from now on. |
Although the journal predominantly publishes contributions in English, we encourage polyglotism, as our subscribers originate from a broad range of countries and languages. For this reason, every issue includes at least one text in Spanish, motivating diversity by inclusion of a text in a Latin language. |
Twenty-four percent were dissatisfied with the counseling and for this reason broke it off. |
"Scientific research is based on the idea that everything that takes place is determined by laws of nature, and therefore this holds for the action of people. For this reason, a research scientist will hardly be inclined to believe that events could be influenced by a prayer, i.e. by a wish addressed to a Supernatural Being." (Albert Einstein, 1936) |
Eucalyptus wood is particularly difficult to dry and, for this reason, it is desirable that the drying schedule be carefully developed. |
Spam filtering practices, though well-intended, have inadvertently contributed to undermining the reliability of e-mail. For this reason, a number of commercial organizations are now considering moving their services to closed networks. |
that's why (less formal) |
"You always have to have a war to frighten the people, to get the people to rally around the flag, sacrifice their liberties and allow the state to do a lot more than they should be doing. That's why I would say that the war on terrorism looks like it's going to have a longer life unless somebody can point out the fallacies of the administration's thinking." (Ron Paul 2007) |
The peace demonstrators do support our troops: that's why they want to bring them home. |
The tools of analysis the infant is equipped with by nature, she later loses once that knowledge has done its job of helping her learn her native language. That's why infants put almost any grownup to shame in language-learning skill. And that's why high schools and colleges need to impose foreign language requirements. |
Fun exercises are important to reduce feelings of vulnerability and insecurity that many people have when practicing their second language. That's why each lesson should start with a fun and easy warm-up that allows everyone to relax and get into a playful mode where mistakes are not so important. |
I oppose absolutely political violence and terrorism from whatever quarter. Nor do I believe in deliberately making people poor: that is why I oppose sanctions. Nor do I believe in obstructing democracy: that is why I oppose repression and the state of emergency. (Margaret Thatcher) |
In the Middle Ages it was generally accepted that women's ears turned men on to the same extent as the more obvious feminine attributes; that is why so many medieval headdresses ensured that women's ears were discreetly covered. |
hence |
He knew he could not win the election – hence his decision to withdraw. |
The company lost a great deal of money. Hence, the CEO was asked to resign. |
The abandoned kittens were too young to eat solid food; hence we needed to bottle feed them every two hours. |