desde (então) |
Muitos anos passaram, desde então. |
Cinco anos haviam decorrido da morte de mamãe e tanta coisa acontecera desde então. Papai casara novamente, eu já não era criança e estava apaixonada. |
O manuscrito foi encontrado em Paris por volta de 1669 e desde então vem despertando o interesse da crítica e dos estudiosos. |
Há 15 dias frei Damião sofreu um derrame cerebral. Desde então se encontra na UTI. |
since then |
When I was a kid, I ate some disgusting French fries. Since then I've hated French fries. |
We have just moved to NYC and, since then, my dog Dixie has been bristling and barking at just about any dog that walks by. |
In 2012, a gunman walked into Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut, and killed 20 children, six adults, and himself. Since then, there have been at least 1,399 mass shootings, with at least 1,564 people killed and 5,515 wounded. |
ever since |
I decided to focus on my studies and have been getting good grades ever since. |
I first went there when I was ten, and I've been going there ever since. |
Ever since I was little, I made my mom a promise, "he said." I told her if by the time I was 18, soccer hadn't paid off, I would stop playing and find a job. |